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More students playing more sport in more schools


For all students to enjoy sporting activities at school


For all students to experience the excitement and pride in representing their school in sport, irrespective of their ability


Provide and promote programs of an excellence standard


For SIA events to be a valuable part of All School sports programs around Australia


Create our own ‘All School’ Sport programs for secondary schools and in partnership with other organisations

Partner with organisations to promote their ‘All Schools’ Sport programs into schools

Encourage schools to participate in ‘All School’ Sport programs


Schools in Action (SIA) is an organisation started by two people passionate about and experienced in school sport. SIA’s programs emphasise the positive benefits students can achieve through school sport. These benefits include Physical Health and Wellness; Leadership and Teamwork Skills; Mentorship; Time Management; Improved Academic Results; Accountability and Responsibility.

SIA run school sporting events in Australia so that all students can experience the excitement and pride of representing their school in sport. Our events are not just about winning but about celebrating the love of sport for all students no matter their level of skill.

The aim of SIA is to promote and provide a diverse range of school sport events around Australia, delivering events at the international, national, state and regional level.


Michael Grant

Image of Michael Grant - a Director of Schools in Action

Deneille Sutton

Image of Deneille Sutton - Director of Schools in Action


We are passionate about what we do.


We are committed to our people.


We love running events.


Our passion, commitment and love in providing fun, healthy and educational programs to young people are underpinned by our core values: 



  • We act with fairness, honesty and truthfulness.

  • We actively pursue the highest standard of quality in the services we provide.

  • We are accountable for our actions, we say what we mean, we do what we say.



  • We actively and flexibly seek to employ and accommodate the unique needs of our many different employees.

  • We actively manage the differences that exist to improve our business.

  • We are not discriminatory, biased or prejudiced in all our actions.



  • We value and recognise the contribution of our employees.

  • We provide a fair, safe, dignified and professional work environment.



  • We seek a healthy balance in work and personal lives.

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